I am seriously easily distracted. As I go to open my camera to download this pic, I lose myself in a knitblog that I haven't seen before, and a good 20 minutes later I start wondering why my camera was plugged up and on....D'oh! Oh, but about the picture...I gave the camera to hubby as I had baby girl asleep in my arms. It's the wonkiest of the pictures, but I like it. That's him you can see in the reflection. And no, I don't do windows. :)
I haven't gotten much done on Tubey, but luckily I also haven't cast-on for anything new. Baby steps. I do already have plans for what's next, though - I'm going to make a matching Tubey for MMT, and the Klien Bottle hat and Linux Illusion Scarf for hubby. Hmm....will I manage to finish them before next summer? We'll find out.
Ooo! Just got an e-mail dilly - I'm in Saturday Sky! And before I even finished my postie! (Easily amused as well as distracted!)
I'm a starter. If you want something started, call me. If you want it finished, don't call me. I'm hoping that blogging about my crafty side will help me finish a few things.